Tag Archives: Terrylene Sacchetti

Really cute house, gate, flowers, you name it!

Photo highlights of Day 14 – Beth Israel in Carmel to Big Sur SP (rest day : )

Tuesday the 14th of May, 2013 was CARMEL rest day!

We hopped in volunteer Carol’s car for a tour around town. LOVED the curved roofs on some of the houses. Then we stopped at a very NICE Italian restaurant on Dolores Street called Little Napoli and met Pepe. He wined and dined us with such generosity! Seems he has a connection to the deaf community through coaching . . . or soccer . . . something like that. Thanks, Pepe! We loved your restaurant!

Afterwards, we drove along the coast to Big Sur State Park. I understand why they deemed it too dangerous to walk. There was NO shoulder and just a DROP into the ocean in many, many places. It reminded me of part of Maui.

True to their sign, there were no showers nor wi-fi at the camp site, BUT there was a stream with CLEAR, COLD water. This Tennessee born Hillbilly had a BALL taking a cool dip in the stream! I love, l o v e d, L O V E D it!!! For real.

. . . okay . . . that’s it for now . . . thank you café bello mundo for the power and time to “recharge” all my gear as well as me . . . Sj signing off!