Tag Archives: self absorbed

Susan's Backwards Glob

Well, here goes nothing!

I’ve debated for a while whether or not I wanted to start a blog. “That just seems so self-absorbed,” I’ve said to myself more times than I can count.

While discussing this with a friend this past spring, she said (no, I’m not quoting her directly; there was no tape recorder on during our little heart to heart), “Well, can’t everything we do be called self-absorbed? When we eat, when we sleep, when my husband, for example, records his band? You don’t think of him as self-absorbed, do you, when he writes a song and then plays it in public?”

“Well no, of course not,” I replied.

“And you’re not a self-absorbed person, so it won’t be either,” she said.

So now, almost five months later, I’ve decided to go for it–to start Susan’s Backwards Glob.

Why “Glob”? Well, because I think it’s going to be a glob of all kinds of things–the letters to my friends about my Dad and about my trip to France; maybe even some of the things I’ve written about our wonderful dog Fido. I’m really not quite sure what all I will include. And as to whether anyone will actually read this or not, I don’t think I want to even think about that (Except for if something relates to someone else, I don’t think I should include their real name. What is the protocol on that kind of thing in blogs? This enquiring mind would like to know.).

And Backwards because I would rather live IN the moment and not WRITE in the moment. But then again, who knows where this will lead. I’m going to take it one “publish post” at a time.

I just know that I really enjoyed writing those letters to my friends and that I miss writing. Also, they tell me that they enjoyed getting those letters and miss receiving new ones. I suppose this will be a test of sorts to see if people who don’t know me, want to read what I write. But the bottom line for me, is that I simply enjoy writing. Something about it calms my mind and feeds my soul.

Well, here goes nothing!