Tag Archives: enlightenment

Green Pueo's 5 star review

“Molly becomes a representation of the enlightenment available to anyone, at any moment.”

OMG, Green Pueo,

That Molly’s story speaks to you so . . . warms the cockles of my heart. <3

Godspeed on YOUR journey, Green Pueo!



* A Pueo is “a subspecies of the short-eared owl that is endemic to Hawaii.

5 star review by Green Pueo on Amazon

“This book came to me when I needed it most. It is a romp through Molly’s pastures as she travels along the road to self-discovery. It is less than a novel and more of a journey, a pilgrimage diary whereby a donkey attempts to determine how he feels about issues of personal priority. Rather than following the opinions of a delightful set of brilliantly written animal characters, Molly listens to echoes of her own inner ear signaling to the reader that we each have that power as well unless we choose to surrender it.

This is a world where animals can speak and make us feel that we have entered a safe space where their actions and decisions impact us in new and surprising ways. We read books to escape our fears and the darkness of everyday life, and this book is a positive way to discover that we each have an inner message we are obligated to share with others.

Not sure if this book is autobiographical, but Molly doesn’t surrender to peer pressure or the ordinary life.

The story is a timeless refreshing breath of simplicity and creativity. I enjoyed the short chapters and fun illustrations.

The imagery the author creates reads like an old mythic tale. The playful dialogue told with simple descriptive prose helped me to picture Molly’s world as being hand drawn. Like the step-by-step lines of the pencil, the “Aha” moment comes only after watching a foundation of underlay develop on the author’s canvas. Molly becomes a representation of the enlightenment available to anyone, at any moment.

Molly speaks for us all, lets us know we are each on a different path and when she speaks, it doesn’t sound exactly like a donkey or a horse. Instead, a mule makes a sound that is similar to a donkey’s but also has the characteristics of a horse, starting with a whinny, and ending with a hee-haw! Therefore at the moment of refusal, disappointment, or when we are faced with self-evaluation, one is capable of ‘waking up’ as an individual and seeing the interconnectedness of everything. Molly not only “whinnys” with lightheartedness but also punctuates her message with Hee Haws in the short chapters of this book. Readers of all ages will most likely discover within ‘My Life as a Mule’ that her voice resonates in much deeper ways.”

MAHALO for sharing Molly’s story with friends!

xoxox Sj xoxox

My Life as a Mule is available through Amazon.

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