California Fence Romance

Photo highlights from Day 4 – Half Moon Bay to Pescadero State Beach (15.8 miles : )

Pescadeo, California.

When you visit the state beach page, you’ll get the idea that there’s ONE beach. That ain’t so! How do I know? We walked to the first one, thought, “Yahoo!” only to find out that we needed to walk to the NEXT one!

This particular day started out fairly sunny. After a brief stint of fog (and a beautiful fog bow : ), the sun shook itself and chased all the fog away. But with that shake came a gradual build up of wind. As it became windier and windier, the number of walkers began to decrease until there were only four of us trudging along California’s Highway 1. By the end, we were bowed over into crescent moons, doing our best to keep the sand and dirt out of our eyes, mouths, noses, and ears. That’s why there aren’t any photos during this phase of the walk.

When we reached that second Pescadero State Beach park, we sighed a powerful group sigh which almost matched the dusty breeze. We were quickly swept into support vehicles and transported to the small town cafe, where we either drank coffee, beer, or wine : )

Next stop and our home for two nights?  Butano State Park.

Here are da pix!

2 thoughts on “Photo highlights from Day 4 – Half Moon Bay to Pescadero State Beach (15.8 miles : )

  1. Glenn

    Loving the photos! And you all have been so lucky with the weather. We’re turning into green mold with all the rain over here in northern Italy.

    1. SJ Post author

      YES, we have been sooooo lucky with the weather!
      Sounds like flowers will be growing in you garden soon?


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